2:10 AM

the dance.

you came. we met. you left.

it's ironic to fall in love in a second. i have always been a firm believer of love at first sight. but for some reason, it failed me this time. and i have to admit. this time it hit me big. i cant vaguely explain what happened. it's more like a one whole day fairytale. i fell in love. i met the wrong prince.

i just had to write these annotations about you.

the firmament had it's usual shade of gray. the wind playing in the vast.
it was a cold forlorn night. your eyes bore that of an endless enigma.
your guise drew me like a magnet. i had not see the affectation of your charm.

i skipped and hummed with the sensation. felt like a modern day fairytale.
and just like any mythical story, it offered a taste of love and excitement.
like an innocent lass, i danced with you. i held your hand. i fell in love.
the clock strucked 12, you had to go. i turned to see the direction where, you were gone.

the vastness around me became intoxicating. i heard too many cries.
i saw too many faces. masked, monstrous. the dance ended. the ballroom was left empty.
my gown shattered to pieces. my face blemish with tears. my heart left cold.
the wind sang a sad song. no more orchestra playing the music. fairytale ended.

my heart broken into pieces.